ナイトメアビフォアクリスマスTHE NIGHTMARE BEFOREジャック フェイスコレクションフィギュア長年自宅保管のため、大きなダメージはありませんが経年劣化はあります。神経質な方、少しでも気になさる方はご遠慮ください。箱の傷は、写真をご確認ください。ご理解ご了承の上、ご購入お願いいたします。The Nightmare Before Christmas Jack Face Collection Figure Since it has been stored at home for many years, there are no significant damages, but there is some aging deterioration. If you are sensitive or concerned about such details, please refrain from purchasing. Please check the photos for any damage to the box. Please make your purchase with the above understanding and agreement.